Word…pressing on

Started this post on 4/20. Had some stuff to say. Then I got hung up on the title. There’s a thing in WordPress (there it is) where it automatically capitalizes the WP so the spelling is “on brand” I guess is how they would say it. No big deal, but this is Hitler’s bday. I am not a fan, and don’t like to make any hints otherwise. Of course, if you have not read much anti-fascist literature (or websites) you may not be hip to the common abbreviation of “White Power”. I’m following people on twitter who use WP for “West Philly”. They are not Nazis(, Mom). But I would never use it for anything. WordPress for is always one word, no big P. Outside of WordPress that is.

Also this logo is not an endorsement of the terrible president, mediocre Wu-Tang album or absolutely wonderful Hello Project unit...or maybe it is. I do not work for the company.

I should mention at this time I was not high. That’s my totally sober thinking process. You can see how weed doesn’t really work that great for me. Haven’t touched the stuff in years, or any stuff, which basically means avoiding all friends. I am in favor of full legalization, not so I use it, but so I can not feel the need to prove I’m down with law-breaking. It would become a super-corporate branded product overnight and lose all coolness. You’d no longer need to know a guy to score, you’d just hit up 7-11. The same people would do it, but would have to be the ones making the lame excuse for engaging in such uncool behavior and then I guess would try to get you to snort bath salts or cat litter or whatever. (“Dude, I can’t snort this litter by myself, I’d feel like some kind of loser.”) Not against it, I’m just saying.

All that stuff is nothing like drinking, obvs. Oh shit, it’s also nothing like blogging. Total thinking out loud moment. See, I was going to try to pressure more peeps onto WordPress. Most of you/my blog buddies of the past used to use livejournal or Blogger, and now use Tumblr, Twitter, or gave up and just use Facebook. I use the downloaded platform WordPress on my own server, which is admittedly, a bit much. But normal people can use wordpress.com and the whole thing is free and easy as stolen cat litter. I used to say it was for more ~advanced~ internetters, but they make the interface easier every time they update the thing. Yeah, some people use Tumblr just like lj. Most don’t. Nobody cares about pics of your lunch, man. How are you doing? Some of that lj oversharing could get gross and we got over that, but c’mon…a lot of people I new used to write every damn day, like, paragraphs! Twitter is cool, but remember paragraphs not being a special occasion? It wasn’t that long ago. Message board people—where did some of these people go? Some of the best stuff I’ve read online is from people who never had a blog, some went straight into freelancing I guess. That would be the smart option. But some of you have got to be like me: really smart, and yet on another level really, really dumb. Wait, that’s not very convincing. I’m being an asshole again aren’t I. Mostly to myself this time, too. I am the worst. Join me?

BTW, have you ever thought Wu-tang was endorsing Bush? %

  1. #1 by Jim on 2012.04.28 - 18:37

    Alright, I’m over it.

(will not be published)