This again

  • In this post I said the world was “literally going to hell”. Some people apparently believe in a literal Hell, or at least think that’s a reasonable thing to believe in. I don’t. I was thinking more about global warming, and the economic disasters which will leave us ill-equipped to deal with the problems it will cause, creating a kind of hell on earth. It’s literally hot. Get it? Get it? Hell? Hot? Huh? Plus the only way to slow down the heating might be to pump sulphur into the air. More than we already do. The Earth won’t literally become a burning, sulphurous pit, it will just literally be very hot and/or filled with sulphur. Or maybe we decide to just stick it out with just the heat. I think the sulphur part is optional for a decent hell, but everyone seems to agree it’s hot. It sucks cause I grew up with the idea of nuclear winter, which literally was cooler. (Ooh! I don’t have to publish this do I? Ech…) But that was so much worse! You’re looking at much more and sudden extinctions with the nuclear winter, but it weirdly seemed less terrible, or maybe less likely. We seemed to have more control over it not happening, which it didn’t. But maybe it still will. (See, there’s hope!) Maybe all of this shit will happen and all cancel itself out. Then things can keep going along perfectly, exactly how it is now. (It’s going so well!) Really I think everything’s just going to get really expensive. That alone will kill millions and bankrupt almost everyone else. But I’m an optimist. I also used the phrase “the way I figure it”, which I don’t think I’ve never said out loud, and won’t.
  • In this post I claimed the local record shoppe was the only source of Shonen Knife T-shirts in the 90s, when I’ve posted a video of people buying shirts right at the live venue like a normal person would. I was 14 in 1993 and did not have the kind of parents that took me to stadium shows which SK was then playing, opening for Nirvana. I did see them on almost every return visit since then in various clubs. (Bowery Ballroom, North Star Bar, Johnny Brenda’s) You are definitely missing out if you have not seen them live. But anyway, now that I think about it, you could also get the shirts through Rockabilia when it’s catalog mysteriously appeared in your mailbox upon the subscription to Spin or whatever. And that was probably paid for by my mom. But I had more than one shirt I tells ya.
  • In a totally nonexistent post, I didn’t talk about the new font I installed just for the post headings, because the default one always bugged me. There just wasn’t much to say about it. There’s also not that much to say about unicode font renderings in Firefox vs. Chrome. Either one is good. I guess. Yeah, it’s fine. I got the font from Neojaponisme.
  • I didn’t really post about this but can we all agree that Varg Vikernes is mostly just a racist at this point? Because a lot of people deny the racism[edit:no one does this] or try to ignore it, or justify it because he says some other “smart” things. And he made some cool music a long-ass time ago—I think it was a fluke. Most of it’s not that good. Yeah, this guy almost sounds intelligent if you cut out the parts where he blames everything on Jews. That’s really his whole thing. He has no real philosophy: he’ll side with anyone anti-Semitic. Nazis, Muslims, Christians, whatever. I was disappointed in the final cut of Until the Light Takes Us, but strongly recommend the 2-disc set that includes the full interviews. Unlike Fenriz who is strongly apolitical, or Hellhammer who has some horrible views of life but doesn’t intellectualize or apologize, Varg will say whatever makes him seem like a guy you want to buy a record from. Remember when his last record came out and he changed the name? He said he didn’t want to sound racist because he’s all not about racism anymore, so don’t worry record buyers who don’t want to support a racist, it’s cool. But wait, there’s a lot of racists that will possibly buy anything they agree with politically (a la the Skrewdriver school of record sales)? Oh, I guess it is pretty racist. Guys, it’s super-racist. In fact, forget about the anti-religion thing. Any religion is cool, as long as you buy the records, and hate Jews. No one can pretend not to see this is anything but middle school level sociopath bullshit.
  • So, my love for Fiddler on the Roof is wholly unironic. Life without Jews would be grim and frostbitten indeed. Speaking of which—total aside—Immortal, in this Until the Light movie…people weren’t ever laughing at you because of the music. Maybe some people were. Jerks. I love Immortal too. I don’t see any contradiction. But context is everything. That movie was a little ridiculous.


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