[edit: The singer's name in romaji is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. The song is by Nakata Yasutaka and the video is by 6%DOKIDOKI]

I’m sure everyone that isn’t actively avoiding current J-pop (most people) or me (again…) has seen this damn PON video. I watched this thing again today (for science) via FF’s autocomplete, frantically typing “ponponpon” and going to the page itself. I saw another upload by Warner Japan in the sidebar along with the expected response vids. Oh shit. They made this thing even crazier! There’s more animations added! The mix is different! Everything is crazier! Nnnnnnnnnnnope. Just me. Could be the heat, but I think this video definitely has caused some amount of brain damage:

July 16

July 18

If you’ve seen it already, watch the 2nd one first. It’s crazier. Yet it’s exactly the same. I had to make a draft post just to watch them at the same time, but why not share the insanity. There’s no way you’re leaving this post without watching this entire thing twice and then again simultaneously with a nice Steve Reich effect. (Planned! All planned!)

Did they take 2 whole days to realize they could have gone with a better preview image? The original is like the lone split second that looks like a normal video. But youtube’s default preview pic is exactly the midway point, which is at 2:07:



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