More Replacements for

You know what, maybe you should just join the new site. Go ahead. Fine. I’m sure it’s fine. Sure I’m sure. Fine for YOU. Me, I’m stubborn. (It helps as much as it doesn’t.) I’m doing good without it, and I talked about using Anki as pretty much the same thing. But there’s a few things Anki doesn’t really do at all that did and it’s not nitpicky style issues. But I’ve found a couple free sites that get close to the same thing.

Kana Invaders

Tests typing speed and quickness recognizing kana. I know my damn kana at this point but I would like to get better at typing. Eventually I should learn how to use the Japanese keyboard input system, but this seems pretty unrealistic right now. (I still use JWPce and c/p everything.)

Kanji Box

Just kanji multiple choice flashcards. Maybe even better than’s speed drill game, but it’s a lot less game-like. There’s no timer, so there’s no way to lose but you can get your speed up. The best part is getting that instant feedback of the correct answer everytime you screw up, and you will. And when you get a good run going seeing that red flash on the screen is a lot better better punch in the gut than a low score at the end that does not even tell you what you wrong. This is not about getting your name on a leaderboard this is about inflicting maximum mental anguish. You deserve to— wait, what was this about again? Well, it’s what works for me. (This used to work within facebook but now it doesn’t? You might need to login to it through facebook. It’s legit.)

…To meaningless Pain! I mean, To Learning! With a purpose of some kind! I think. Maybe.


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