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  • Gotta try harder on the titles.
  • I said “counter-reform” when I guess I meant “counter-counter-reform”, thus destroying whatever I was trying to say. This chart (via) sums it up pretty well. It might even oversimplify the whole thing.
  • I thought about Dirty not making my Sonic Youth Top 10 again. The weird thing about this list is it’s assumption you know nothing about Sonic Youth albums but know everything about the album Dirty (which is entirely possible judging by high school t-shirts of the time). If this was true you could have easily guessed I cut off the song “Youth Against Fascism” not because I’m a fan of totalitarian governments, but because it’s a lousy song. It also calls attention to the fact that it kinda sucks, but your kinda lame if you think it sucks because it’s politically correct. Which was half the shit in the 90s and it got old real fast. I also cut “Chapel Hill” which has one on the worse lyrics ever: “the hair in the hole in my head/too bad the scene is dead.” Some random dumb line and then, “sorry kid, everything good already happened.” I didn’t know he was talking about North Carolina, where they let the ear hair fly free, or used to. Then someone posted a picture of the cassette on tumblr. That whole second side is pretty weak. But that first side is great. I need to get it on vinyl and never flip it over. I stand by it not making the list.
  • Nah, I’m being a total cock. Two songs have dumb lyrics? Compared to Goo? I like those other b-side songs. I just never had a real copy. I think when I finally went to buy it, it was already reissued with more tracks. More tracks! My dub version with two less is clearly the best version. Why don’t they reissue albums with the bum tracks taken off? They fulfilled the contract or whatever, give the people a break. So I’d figure, “why don’t I buy an album I don’t have?” One of those times I bought the rarely mentioned Hold That Tiger, which is basically a glorified bootleg from the Sister-era (I think it’s official…). The banter and Ramones covers are worth it even if the sound quality is not great. The performance is pretty close the records but it shows off their sense of humor which is sometimes easy to forget. Like if you listed to their first 3 records every day for a year-and-a-half, for example, this would be a good antidote to your resultant worldview. Let’s say Dirty is my 11 and Hold That Tiger is my 12.
  • It should go without saying that the Ciccone Youth album is not counted in this list.
  • I also talked about a “weird bunch” of metalheads that also listened to the Doors. That’s not that weird. It was pretty standard at that time for the most sterotypical seeming denim-jacketed longhairs to be into a wider range of music than most. And I suggest the paintballing had anything to do with musical taste. It was utterly random mayhem I avoided through sheer luck. One of out mutual friends got hit once (these were drive-bys, mostly aimed at stop signs) we all laughed about it and kept hanging out. Until graduation day, then you never saw or heard from em again. Just the way it was…then. I think they’re all scientists now, for real. Here’s a conversation that did not take place:
    metalhead1: Dude, let’s get that dude.
    metalhead2: Naw dude, I know that dude. His favorite Metallica album is Kill Em All.
    metalhead1: Dude!
    metalhead2: Yes, Master of Puppets is clearly their strongest work (to date) yet I respect his bold and divergent opinion.
    metalhead1: Agreed.

  • In this post I said something about not understanding Africa (or Russia!). This suggests I understand Europe or even America outside of the Tri-State area. My whole tone about the UK situation is odd. Leaving it there.


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