
Last week’s shuu revyoo was the 100th post. A yay yay.

  • Loose thoughts

    (This should be the last week of bringing up things more than a week old. It’s counterproductive. I don’t need to talk about everything that happened, it’s just to make sure that I write something every week.)

  • Racism (for real)

    Some more thought needs to go saying something about this, but right not I’ve got this video in my my draft of an Australian martial arts instructor who lives in Japan with the disclaimer that I do not live in Japan, do not teach martial arts and am not from Australia:

    Ongoing discussion.

  • Protests everywhere

    I’m not in ’em. Believe it or not, I do not have an arrest record and I intend to keep it that way. I don’t like half-assing things. If I’m going to protest, I gotta get arrested. I gotta camp out the whole time. You were there when the cops busted it up? I was there before the cops knew it was happening, man. I’m that asshole. (In theory.) I don’t wanna be one of these guys who sees the protest from across the street and acts like they are superdown without ever getting involved at all. I hope this whole movement get more young people voting. If not, it’s bullshit. You’re not going to tear down the entire system and build a whole new one with a series of sit-ins. That’s not even being cynical it’s just reality. I mean voting in all the elections. (And for progressives, not fucking Ron Paul people.) Even if you get the perfect president, you need a House and Congress that with him(her?), which is super boring to think about, right? You just want a guy coming in an kicking ass with an absolute iron fist…oh wait, we don’t want that…? Anyway, this protest in Chicago got pretty wild. I’m just saying, keep using your brain or it’s just stupid mob against stupid mob with stun guns and pepper spray. For example, if you’re in a Burger King with a bunch of cops, you might not be serious about this “anarchy” thing. (Forgetting abstracts for a moment.)

  • Bruce Sterling & the New Aesthetic

    Wasn’t taking this New Aesthetic thing very seriously, it just seems like a wider application of what Wired magazine was doing in the 90s, applying digital-only ideas to a real objects (in that case a magazine) until I got to just about the bottom of my read-it-later list and found this Wired article by Bruce Sterling. And that takes you through a bunch of links that are all interesting, and some are pretty old. Should have been more into that. What am I doing?

    Also this post starts with a great Sterling quote against well roundedness.

  • Religion

    This Disinfocast with Daniele Bolelli is absolutely brilliant. Never heard of the guy before, and I tend to stay away from this site anymore cause I feel like and any minute it any conversation could go into chemtrails or lizard people. But this one is great. This dude says it all.

  • Mari Yaguchi got married.

    It was adorable. I will always love the OG musumes.

  • PRB lost both metal shows

    The respective DJs of The Furnace & Metal Mania both move onto to whatever. Sometimes shows come back to PRB but it was pretty cool to have two weekly metal shows for a while there. Metal Mania especially reminded me of the old metal shows on WGLS in the early 90s. (That whole station barely comes in that far from the campus anymore and plays it pretty safe now.)

  • WaniKani

    Got a public profile and leveled up. All stuff I know but I get to practice typing speed and it’s really nice. Great design. Anki by itself gets to be grind.


    Fansite HALCALI SENSATION has gone down. Found this post explaining it should be temporary. But it’s just before the new album. I’ve been kinda bummed to see old videos are harder to find. This is the group that got me listening to new J-pop again in the mid-00s, mostly due to youtube. Their management still has not fully embraced this.

    Speaking of management, the current crappy exchange rate and the fact that it’s two discs makes this album (after shipping) FORTY FIVE DOLLARS for only TEN NEW SONGS. That’s BULLSHIT, HALCALI (you know?) Sorry, sorry…I can’t stay mad at Halcali. It’s not their fault, but really. Just got the new De La for a $5 download, just saying.

  • Tumblr

    Shut down a couple old accounts. They were from when I was having a bit of a hard time and did not really know (or care) how tumblr worked. I like tumblr now, but I’m not taking it too serious obviously. I said I was doing like an exquisite corpse thing with it, but it’s more like a shiritori game now. (Don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard about it tho.) I like messing with it as a design thing, but you never know what the page will really look like until you publish. I figure it’s only a matter of time before they start putting ads or there’s some copyright issue that screws the whole site. But it’s fun at the moment.


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