
Sometimes you just can’t tell how bad things have gotten until they start to get better.

  • Nothing major this week

    I got nothing.

  • Friends vs. navel-gazing, endless rumination on painful unfixibilities

    Yeah, you know, last week I was thinking about life in general, the weirdly close friends I used to have that are all nuts. And some of them might have become junkies, they’re not all presently accounted for. Senior year of high school I started hearing some bad stories, I always stayed away from hard drugs and after that I lost touch with most of those people. Some guy at a bar the other day tried to tell me some shit he was still mad about from high school…I do not remember or want to remember most of high school. I got friends now, ok? We don’t talk a whole lot anymore. Not everything has to be like 3 Musketeers, all-or-nothing anymore. I’m feeling a lot of sympathy now for like, Henry Rollins, when he gets a little mad at people asking him questions about old shit.

  • Backlog mostly under control

    Keeping unread articles under a week and the total number under a hundred. This time last year it was over 1000 and about 100 days behind on average. This doesn’t mean that much in itself, but it means I’m getting better at managing a constant work flow. I just need to turn it into more output. Gotta a bunch of stuff in Google Reader…gonna add some links. I have been cutting back on facebook and twitter subs and putting more into RSS, it’s easier to manage overload. These sites are not designed to optimize your time, have you noticed?

  • Japanese

    I finished the Tofugu book, I guess I’m going through it again because I’ve skipped some steps, but there’s some great advice for like, time management, stuff like that. Now I’m started on WaniKani as a tester. It looks pretty good, not sure I need to stick with it as a whole program, I’m sticking to my boring Anki decks, but it’s nice. Esp. if you’ve got an iPhone, and are starting out, that would be the way to go. I don’t and I’m not, but I still kinda wanna spend money on the thing. I need to get into some online Japanese teaching teaching racket like this. Something.


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