
What up.

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    I did not intentionally publish my Acid Mothers Temple review on Mother’s Day it just how it worked out. Also, it’s occurred to me that if you yourself are really into Jesus you might conclude that my review of Clang Quartet was my way of saying I was also into Jesus in a similar way. Which makes sense because I think he’s really doing some kind of Dadaist postmodern deconstructionist thing that he probably isn’t.

  • What am I doing

    Really, what. I think it’s getting better tho. Just last week I was talking like I was some kind of D-list celebrity for a minute. What the hell was that about. And I got no shot at that job. Even if I do things don’t line up right now. Somebody younger should get it.

  • Lost pictures

    I have not been caring much about photography, but this might have turned my attitude. I didn’t just lose a couple snaps from one night but a couple weeks worth. Now I’m suddenly caring a lot more than if I had them probably. I want those pics back!

  • Metal/Hardcore shows not reviewed

    Just saw the Decibel Tour w/ Evoken, In Solitude, The Devil’s Blood, Watain and Behemoth@The Troc, Converge@Union Transfer, and Ghost/Opeth/Mastodon@The Electric Factory. Just great all around shows. I’m sure I’ll be talking about all those bands’ records at some point. (Am I really sure?) The openers on the Converge bill were good too, but man, I am not part of that scene. Felt like a narc at that show. But that was my first visit to UT, what an amazing venue. It’s almost too nice. Is anyone else missing the Starlight Ballroom or the church basement?

  • I’m suddenly thinking about way too things

    I can’t get to them all before midnite. I’ve given myself a deadline here.

  • Health

    My friends are not junkies. Sorry, I kinda made it sound like that. They are crazy tho. If this were a physical health thing, I would still have friends that I talk to on the phone or whatever. Me and my friends growing up were all crazy. The ones who haven’t killed themselves or gotten themselves killed seem to be going off in different directions. This is not surprising, or it shouldn’t be when you think about it.

  • Retiring my very clever twitter bio.

    The phrase “このイタリックは和歌りません。” is nonsense. It could mean “This Italic is not poetry.” (in a poetically garbled way) or read phonetically “I don’t know about this Italic.” But twitter bios are no longer rendered in Italics. How long has it been like that? It’s a throwaway joke that no one notices but I’m obviously very proud of so there it is.

  • Is twitter done?

    People are spamming the hell out of it lately. Honest exchanges feel awkward. Does anyone think about that whole Library of Congress archive? If I die tomorrow, in a few months my hosting expires and all these thousands of words I thought out are gone forever. But shit like “Photo: moarlolcatsprease: Yo check dis cat. tmblr.co/DisCat” will live on. Shitty way to think about life, but at least it’s thinking. It’s not going to be done for a while I guess but jeez maybe it’s time to start thinking about thinking again.

  • Still obsessing over titles

    Every so often it gets to me how illogical using number dates with the MMDDYY format is and I resolve to use DDMMYYYY or YYYYMMDD. Seems pretentious tho even if it makes more sense.

  • No one talks over people better than Mike Watt

    He is the best. Respect due. %

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