[New] 週Review

Starting a standard format for weekly meta posts. My reading and study backlog is getting under control now and nothing crazy is going on so I’m going to write more again. Obviously I spare to one meta post a week, but if they start piling up I’m going to feel like a real asshole with no clever title or anything, a blog full of excuses, a house of lies, a Beckett play with NO AUDIENCE. “Oh, look at me in the depths of existential angst with this audience of thousands and critical acclaim, respect from my fellow artists.” Sure, bub. I guess you’re bleak. Lo, but it is I who blog the blart of darkness. None have obscured their toil in more frosty a blackness; it is like unto the proverbial liquorice milkshake, inside the proverbial broken refrigerator at the bottom of the proverbial dead sea, inside the proverbial overlong sentence inside the proverbial blog no one reads. Ugh! That’s rough. Is it even possible to go on?

Dear imaginary reader, take a taste of a spin of the random album generator I’ve just cooked up. Disgusted? I am. But I’ve managed to queue up some reviews anyway. I go through it till I hit a double. There’s about 200 already. If I write 4 reviews a week I could catch up inside of a year. hahahahahahahahaha…oh you’re still here.

So, “we” established last post that no one who I was originally blogging for still blogs. Don’t matter. There’s other blogs. Make Believe Melodies is a great inspiration with this post. Patrick does freelance work but still keeps a really prolific blog covering a lot of new music (mostly Japanese.) I’m not trying to do the same thing, but he keeps the focus on really listening and committing to follow up on favorites, not just skimming over the surface of everything. I used to have that kind of focus and I think it’s worth keeping. That is a reason to blog. A reason…to love? Nope, just blog. It’s not that big a deal. Easy.

Let’s finish this up with some bullet points:

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