
Crazy week.


    I was feeling pretty good when this came out of nowhere. We knew he was sick and all but wow. Ruined that whole day, I just had to lay down for while. Would be a great excuse to kill a six-pick or two but I just took a nap instead. Seriously have no friends right now, but occasionally my health concerns are vindicated in the most depressing of ways. I’m talking like I knew him personally when I never met him, (saw them at Lollapalooza) but he was a guy you felt like you knew. Some people are getting nostalgic over the early stuff…I always thought it was garbage, it’s a joke. Got into them with Check Your Head and those next few albums after that were huge for me, I thought they really did great stuff musically and actually had a message but had a sense of humor about everything. I eventually went back to Paul’s Boutique, and the recent stuff was still good, but it was mostly about Check Your Head, Ill Communication and Hello Nasty for me. Haven’t pulled any of them out yet, it just feels like a bummer. There’s nothing sad about their music and I don’t feel like twisting it around to fit the mood now.

  • Acid Mother’s Temple@Johnny Brenda’s

    Should have it’s own post but I didn’t get to work on it. Got some pics I haven’t even looked at yet. Need to get the flickr back in order. Yeah, I don’t have time to sum it up now, so that will be a post this next week.


    I didn’t get to any of these movie links this week but I couple things I did get to that have cheered me up a bit. One was these Henry Miller interviews. Besides the content, which although I am linking to them are not my exact thoughts, the way he interjects so much with “do you see?” “don’t you know?” are really like Japanese “ne”s in a way. (They’re good alternative translations for it, or other interjections.) The other is this Radio Web Macba post which is a great intro to the high weirdness of Ubu, including the classic Cake and what should be mandatory listening for all art students The Man Within. Be sure to get the PDF liner notes, but the tracklisting is out of order:

    00:00 Benjamino Gigi
    03:45 1-100
    09:52 Diddlage
    10:26 Edges
    16:54 Diddlage (reprise)
    17:27 Bubble Blower
    22:40 I Really Should
    27:37 I’m Not In a Hurry
    30:34 Missing Dog
    33:25 Why Am I Always So Depressed?
    34:55 The Mud Kids
    38:42 The Man Within
    57:04 Sometimes When I’m Low
    58:06 Cake
    59:00 Lend Me Your Ears
    59:52 The Sonance Project

    Also Charles Bernstein’s 1-100 might have inspired the crazy counting guy from this Tofugu post on Japanese comedians:

  • Free Music Archive

    Have to talk to some people if I should even apply for the job or not. Even thinking about the possibility is some major lifechange shit. Have been planning to get back into podcasting with some FMA stuff anyway. I’m going to be doing something with it whatever my employment status.

  • Being a dick

    Yes, I’m being a dick when I talk about certain past blog stuff. But I think I’m being too nice in some respects. There’s some creepy shit out there and you can’t really parody it while you’re part of it at the same time. But almost on another topic, it’s kinda bullshit to delete whole blogs about bands with almost no other write-ups in English.

  • Decibel Tour

    Leaving write now to see Nergal of Behemoth, who has recently beaten cancer, and crew. Can’t think of a moral there, but that’s life. I’ll end with this clip of Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen audiobook:


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