Live Rock Music

In the last post I referred the general shittiness of baby boomers continuing to dominate Rock well into the 21st century. It’s ironic since I’m seeing Motorhead in a couple weeks and I’m pretty excited. I almost couldn’t afford it. But it feels like The End. Lemmy is the last of the original rockers I care about and I’ve never seen them. So I can’t wait to not tell you about it. I decided a while ago I enjoy shows more when I have no expectation of myself to write it up. Wind up verbalizing in my head too much and looking for flaws. Sometimes I still take pics but haven’t been doing video. It really is way more fun to just let yourself enjoy the show in real time.

But anyway there’s this non-existent generational gap war that comes up and I get caught up in it myself a bit. I guess it’s Generation X/Y vs The Boomers and there just more of them and that’s all there is to it. Lemmy is almost the same age as my father which is weird cause my father is not into Rock at all, never was. Not that he’s uptight about it, it just wasn’t his thing. Maybe I can relate to Boomer Rock more than someone who had it pushed on them and had to rebel by rejecting it. (Rejecting rock by creating slightly different forms of rock is not much of a rebellion, but whatever.) When Lemmy goes and these other big bands that are still making money go, rock will still exist, like jazz still exists, but it’s hard to take it seriously as a major cultural force. It’s kind of ridiculous to keep using the same name for music that does not have the same energy anyway. But everything’s ridiculous.


I need to heavily edit my flickr. I wish I was better at taking pictures in general. Taking that kind of picture is a special skill but the act itself went against by concept what I was doing with photography so I didn’t do it all for a long time. Which I guess is funny now. Most clubs wouldn’t allow it either. No record of some of those clubs even existing now. It’s depressing that there are some scenes or eras that are so heavily documented and others there’s nothing. The Boomers were much better at being clingy and nostalgic. You can’t get mad at Punk or whatever for sticking more the ideal than the artifact. If the ideal matters.

I haven’t seen the new Lemmy movie yet. I think this one (via Menche) is better. Lemmy’s interesting by himself and all but I think some people miss the point. I’m seeing Motorhead in what I’d call a mid-sized venue, which are usually the best shows but I wonder if more people went to see the movie about the thing than would see the thing itself.

I’m getting the new record so I’ll eventually review that. But I’m pretty bad at reviewing things.


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