I’m starting with the man in the twitter.

I’m twasking him to twake that twange.

So…my last post about twitter was vauge, frustratingly brief, potentially useless and bordering on intellectual property theft. That’s no good. Been going back and forth how useful and or annoying the service is. I’m on at least my 3rd or 4th account by now, had several at once for different things when it seemed it might replace RSS feeds. Now there’s just one, and I just switched it back the jimhaku handle, because you can still do that, which is nice. I liked the idea of having everything I’m doing under the “band” concept, which makes it a little less personal. But the band really is just me now. A solo project that becomes a band but pretends to be a solo project is one thing, but a solo project that becomes a band pretending to be a solo project that pretends it is a band that is really a solo project gets to be a little much. I never expected the band—or whatever—the music to “make it”, at least at first. There was a window there when it seemed something that far out might be able to generate a little bit of income if handled correctly. Maybe it still can, it’s an ongoing thing. But it doesn’t need it’s own twitter account. And the whole concept is fucked the way it’s going. The ‘Hakujin’ banner is not going to cut it for all music I’m going to want to make anymore since I’ve gotten more back into classical and metal as influences. It just sounds racist. I don’t care if people think it is or not, people pretty much think what they want, but it goes against the original concept. Maybe the original concept is racist, but in a whole different way! Really, the opposite.

Things are getting pretty ugly. I don’t believe in Jesus, but I keep coming back to stuff Alan Watts used to say about how the Bible is just edited really poorly. Just going over my own stuff…def gotta cut some shit outta there if you want a consistent message. Have you ever thought, “what if the The True Word of God is actually the Midnight Special menu at Denny’s? Sure it just looks like a list of terrible food, but if you look with eyes that see, even you can find the meaning of what Moons over My Hammy really means.

Think on that.


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