Bloglines seems to have died and/or outlived it’s usefulness.
First, Bloglines is back up and I’m still using it, it was only down for a few days. And many people still think a working RSS is a good idea. (The rest I follow on twitter.) Second and maybe more important, I myself am barely alive and currently not very useful. Should I write something off with a better overall percentage of working than me?
I kinda had to take a little break being hard on myself, but I clearly went too far. I’m hardly doing anything lately but giving other people (and web servers, inanimate objects, etc) crap at the first sign of temporary failure. Then to top it off, I make a blog entry (on a whole new blog, at a new address, which I expect people to find, and love) that seems to be designed to earn me sympathy for being a horrible person.
Well, if I know anything about the internet, it’s full of horrible people. Let me know it’s working.
Nah, j/k. But comments are open.
#1 by Jim on 2010.05.02 - 14:28
So not kidding.