Fixed Integer Notation: It Looks Real Bad When the Title Is Too Long

See, NOW it’s gone too far. Here we have an example where we’re no longer talking about the thing we’re talking about, but the delivery system of the idea. Can we fix the aesthetics of the delivery system? Sure, but it’s kinda subjective. most people, maybe that doesn’t bother them, to have a title going to two lines with a big space between them. Could also look different depending on your device and operating system, browser, etc. Best to leave that whole issue aside.

Looking over these posts, I realize I’ve left a piece out. I was working on it in my head, and I was working out some stuff in Notepad, then I had to research it more, and I posted the research notes as if I had already explained what I was working on in a public post. Or did I do that on purpose? Not sure. And this is the kind of thing I’m doing all the time and it’s why I’m not really liked, as a person. I’ve tried to focus this energy into artwork over the years, but I think this cause me to neglect certain social skills which leads to a feedback loop, making things worse. I’m not sure how much I can fix the problem at this point in life, but I would like to continue to work on this notation project which I think could be helpful but maybe I should take the work offline. In the meantime, I should really get back to reviewing records.

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