Archive for category About


Starting these posts at the beginning of the week from now on and adding as I go.

  • But it didn’t help

    Have to do a better job. I had a BBQ today. Wasn’t thinking about it before today that I commited to finishing a review and one these. Now I got like five minutes to midnight.

  • Maryland Deathfest

    Didn’t go. Just been listening to Grim Kim’s MDF playlist. One day.

  • Eclipse

    Forgot to mention this last week. We don’t get solar eclipses in New Jersey. Some links: Eclipse in tokyo. Hikosaemon got some great pics

  • Whoops

    I just messed up the formatting of this whole post in a rush to publish and have to finish it after the fact. Also, I forgot to mention Donna Summer and Andy Gibb, but I’ve never really thought that much about them as people to honest. I mean literally. Disco is just like where samples come from. I was only technically born in the 70s, I don’t remember it.

  • Speaking of remembering

    If anyone in the future wants to discuss actual events that actually occurred at my high school, during the years I attended it…sure, why not. I’ll try, maybe. But if it’s about something someone I don’t know said to someone else that I don’t know, I can’t really help you. That’s not talking about high school, it’s like still being in it. N-ope.

  • Racism

    I’m not f’r it, I’m again’ it.

  • More next week!




Sometimes you just can’t tell how bad things have gotten until they start to get better.

  • Nothing major this week

    I got nothing.

  • Friends vs. navel-gazing, endless rumination on painful unfixibilities

    Yeah, you know, last week I was thinking about life in general, the weirdly close friends I used to have that are all nuts. And some of them might have become junkies, they’re not all presently accounted for. Senior year of high school I started hearing some bad stories, I always stayed away from hard drugs and after that I lost touch with most of those people. Some guy at a bar the other day tried to tell me some shit he was still mad about from high school…I do not remember or want to remember most of high school. I got friends now, ok? We don’t talk a whole lot anymore. Not everything has to be like 3 Musketeers, all-or-nothing anymore. I’m feeling a lot of sympathy now for like, Henry Rollins, when he gets a little mad at people asking him questions about old shit.

  • Backlog mostly under control

    Keeping unread articles under a week and the total number under a hundred. This time last year it was over 1000 and about 100 days behind on average. This doesn’t mean that much in itself, but it means I’m getting better at managing a constant work flow. I just need to turn it into more output. Gotta a bunch of stuff in Google Reader…gonna add some links. I have been cutting back on facebook and twitter subs and putting more into RSS, it’s easier to manage overload. These sites are not designed to optimize your time, have you noticed?

  • Japanese

    I finished the Tofugu book, I guess I’m going through it again because I’ve skipped some steps, but there’s some great advice for like, time management, stuff like that. Now I’m started on WaniKani as a tester. It looks pretty good, not sure I need to stick with it as a whole program, I’m sticking to my boring Anki decks, but it’s nice. Esp. if you’ve got an iPhone, and are starting out, that would be the way to go. I don’t and I’m not, but I still kinda wanna spend money on the thing. I need to get into some online Japanese teaching teaching racket like this. Something.


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What up.

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    I did not intentionally publish my Acid Mothers Temple review on Mother’s Day it just how it worked out. Also, it’s occurred to me that if you yourself are really into Jesus you might conclude that my review of Clang Quartet was my way of saying I was also into Jesus in a similar way. Which makes sense because I think he’s really doing some kind of Dadaist postmodern deconstructionist thing that he probably isn’t.

  • What am I doing

    Really, what. I think it’s getting better tho. Just last week I was talking like I was some kind of D-list celebrity for a minute. What the hell was that about. And I got no shot at that job. Even if I do things don’t line up right now. Somebody younger should get it.

  • Lost pictures

    I have not been caring much about photography, but this might have turned my attitude. I didn’t just lose a couple snaps from one night but a couple weeks worth. Now I’m suddenly caring a lot more than if I had them probably. I want those pics back!

  • Metal/Hardcore shows not reviewed

    Just saw the Decibel Tour w/ Evoken, In Solitude, The Devil’s Blood, Watain and Behemoth@The Troc, Converge@Union Transfer, and Ghost/Opeth/Mastodon@The Electric Factory. Just great all around shows. I’m sure I’ll be talking about all those bands’ records at some point. (Am I really sure?) The openers on the Converge bill were good too, but man, I am not part of that scene. Felt like a narc at that show. But that was my first visit to UT, what an amazing venue. It’s almost too nice. Is anyone else missing the Starlight Ballroom or the church basement?

  • I’m suddenly thinking about way too things

    I can’t get to them all before midnite. I’ve given myself a deadline here.

  • Health

    My friends are not junkies. Sorry, I kinda made it sound like that. They are crazy tho. If this were a physical health thing, I would still have friends that I talk to on the phone or whatever. Me and my friends growing up were all crazy. The ones who haven’t killed themselves or gotten themselves killed seem to be going off in different directions. This is not surprising, or it shouldn’t be when you think about it.

  • Retiring my very clever twitter bio.

    The phrase “このイタリックは和歌りません。” is nonsense. It could mean “This Italic is not poetry.” (in a poetically garbled way) or read phonetically “I don’t know about this Italic.” But twitter bios are no longer rendered in Italics. How long has it been like that? It’s a throwaway joke that no one notices but I’m obviously very proud of so there it is.

  • Is twitter done?

    People are spamming the hell out of it lately. Honest exchanges feel awkward. Does anyone think about that whole Library of Congress archive? If I die tomorrow, in a few months my hosting expires and all these thousands of words I thought out are gone forever. But shit like “Photo: moarlolcatsprease: Yo check dis cat.” will live on. Shitty way to think about life, but at least it’s thinking. It’s not going to be done for a while I guess but jeez maybe it’s time to start thinking about thinking again.

  • Still obsessing over titles

    Every so often it gets to me how illogical using number dates with the MMDDYY format is and I resolve to use DDMMYYYY or YYYYMMDD. Seems pretentious tho even if it makes more sense.

  • No one talks over people better than Mike Watt

    He is the best. Respect due. %

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    Acid Mothers Temple@Johnny Brenda’s

    Acid Mothers Temple must be seen live, obviously.

    The afternoon of the show I started feeling nostalgic for all the times I have almost seen this band in the past because I almost didn’t see them again. (I was late getting a paycheck. It’s always something dumb.) But at the last minute things came through and off I went. I told myself it didn’t matter that much anyway—there was a moment of panic where I thought I would never see them now, what with them saying this is their last tour in America and all—but wouldn’t these guys be deep into the 2012 thing? It’s a psych band. Yeah, if the world is ending, this would be the last tour wouldn’t it. Sure enough, the tour poster has a Mayan calendar symbol right damn in the middle:

    I seem to have misplaced my pictures for the night so this is going to have to do for an illustration.
    It was pretty much like this.

    I do not think the world is ending, not this year anyway. But some people might disagree with me. The opening acts on this tour for example. The AMT set seemed typical, a mind-melting performance, but nothing that suggested impending retirement or cosmic extermination. No goodbyes, barely any audience interaction at all. But these other guys really set the mood for apocalypse. All shrewd marketing maybe, art even. Really you can’t ask for a better theme.
    Read the rest of this entry »

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    Crazy week.

    • RIP MCA

      I was feeling pretty good when this came out of nowhere. We knew he was sick and all but wow. Ruined that whole day, I just had to lay down for while. Would be a great excuse to kill a six-pick or two but I just took a nap instead. Seriously have no friends right now, but occasionally my health concerns are vindicated in the most depressing of ways. I’m talking like I knew him personally when I never met him, (saw them at Lollapalooza) but he was a guy you felt like you knew. Some people are getting nostalgic over the early stuff…I always thought it was garbage, it’s a joke. Got into them with Check Your Head and those next few albums after that were huge for me, I thought they really did great stuff musically and actually had a message but had a sense of humor about everything. I eventually went back to Paul’s Boutique, and the recent stuff was still good, but it was mostly about Check Your Head, Ill Communication and Hello Nasty for me. Haven’t pulled any of them out yet, it just feels like a bummer. There’s nothing sad about their music and I don’t feel like twisting it around to fit the mood now.

    • Acid Mother’s Temple@Johnny Brenda’s

      Should have it’s own post but I didn’t get to work on it. Got some pics I haven’t even looked at yet. Need to get the flickr back in order. Yeah, I don’t have time to sum it up now, so that will be a post this next week.

    • UBUWEB

      I didn’t get to any of these movie links this week but I couple things I did get to that have cheered me up a bit. One was these Henry Miller interviews. Besides the content, which although I am linking to them are not my exact thoughts, the way he interjects so much with “do you see?” “don’t you know?” are really like Japanese “ne”s in a way. (They’re good alternative translations for it, or other interjections.) The other is this Radio Web Macba post which is a great intro to the high weirdness of Ubu, including the classic Cake and what should be mandatory listening for all art students The Man Within. Be sure to get the PDF liner notes, but the tracklisting is out of order:

      00:00 Benjamino Gigi
      03:45 1-100
      09:52 Diddlage
      10:26 Edges
      16:54 Diddlage (reprise)
      17:27 Bubble Blower
      22:40 I Really Should
      27:37 I’m Not In a Hurry
      30:34 Missing Dog
      33:25 Why Am I Always So Depressed?
      34:55 The Mud Kids
      38:42 The Man Within
      57:04 Sometimes When I’m Low
      58:06 Cake
      59:00 Lend Me Your Ears
      59:52 The Sonance Project

      Also Charles Bernstein’s 1-100 might have inspired the crazy counting guy from this Tofugu post on Japanese comedians:

    • Free Music Archive

      Have to talk to some people if I should even apply for the job or not. Even thinking about the possibility is some major lifechange shit. Have been planning to get back into podcasting with some FMA stuff anyway. I’m going to be doing something with it whatever my employment status.

    • Being a dick

      Yes, I’m being a dick when I talk about certain past blog stuff. But I think I’m being too nice in some respects. There’s some creepy shit out there and you can’t really parody it while you’re part of it at the same time. But almost on another topic, it’s kinda bullshit to delete whole blogs about bands with almost no other write-ups in English.

    • Decibel Tour

      Leaving write now to see Nergal of Behemoth, who has recently beaten cancer, and crew. Can’t think of a moral there, but that’s life. I’ll end with this clip of Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen audiobook:


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