Archive for category About
新しい‥General Update for 2016
How ya doin’. In the interest of being a responsible webmaster, thought I’d throw out a what we used to call a “changelog”, a term I just googled to make sure because I guess it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone do that on their site. I still think it’s a good idea. I’m not changing much so this will be short but the recent projects are no longer that recent. So, did a screencap yesterday on my phone and I still think it looks good:
New WordPress updates offer responsive design and whatnot that make it easier to read on yr device, like tumblr does. I don’t care about that of course. I write a blog because I like blogs. You could say that what is now “old-school” blogging culture peaked around the time I started this one and “everyone” (“we”, ha) have moved on. Well, why not preserve an example of that peak? Sidebar…pisstake title…a fuckin’ Flag Counter…custom font, a footer with credits! Not saying I’m so great, but a merely shadow of greater blogs, nuked without a second thought. Look upon it and despair, or don’t, whatever.
- Links list gets shorter all the time. I will still link to inactive blogs, but I can’t have dead links on a front page. Sad to see some long-time projs go. (If you find links to old podcasts that are dead in any old posts, hmu, I probably have ’em saved.)
- Speaking of links and front pages, if you link to this blog, ya gotta have the www’s, or it’ll go to tumblr. Neat trick, right.
- Speaking of tumblr, I switched the urls on the two main tumblrs. I debated killing the 「IMH/H.A.U 」 thing altogether, as a name. It was at one point, sort of a record label. But the only people who really considered it that were, until they stopped doing that some time last year. I could start making CDRs again, or tapes. The only thing stopping me is total lack of demand. But I also used to use the name on mixtapes of whatever I was listening to, so there’s the music I’m listening to. I may review some of it.
- Speaking of speaking, I went through my own old podcasts, separated the better ones (that had a few good moments) from the ones that no one needs to hear again into another folder, deleted the folder, then shredded the recycle bin at the maximum setting. The wrong folder of course. Hmu, you probably have ’em saved. (You don’t.)
- Anyway, I appeared on the Abstract Japan podcast, talking about J-pop vs. Metal. I could continue the podcast or not, I’m happy enough with it as a done thing but I’m pretty bummed about the site right now cause a lot of the videos are not available in America. I’m hoping this will get resolved soon. Even tho it’s really just a tumblr it’s meant to be something you can go through like a book, not just a hose of “content” to be monetized or whatever. (CD Japan never even signed me up for the affiliate program btw, they didn’t get it. “Not enough content.” But I still buy from them, when I can…who knows how long that will last, we live in a harsh and disturbing universe where change cannot really be controlled, and I actually have server bills to pay…) But enough about me.
Hi there. My name’s Jim and I feel compelled to tell you about my record collection for reasons I myself do not fully understand. Perhaps I do know the reason and don’t want to tell you. Perhaps I simply choose not to go down that long and possibly dark road. Perhaps I have been down that road and choose not to rehash the whole thing. Perhaps I live on that road and would prefer to think about something else.
It’s not important. Intro’ing a review blog is totally unnecessary. But it’s gotten complicated. Why’d I have to go and make things so complicated? Cause life…is like that. Holy shit I need a real job. “Didn’t you used to have a blog?”, people could ask me. And I could painfully cringe and say, “Ah…yeah…the blog. I’m just so busy with this goshdarn job. Can you believe they pay me even if I’m not in the top 1% in my industry? It’s wild. I can pay rent AND buy food working a measly 40-50 hours a week.” And then they could say, “I kinda liked you better when you didn’t always talk like a sarcastic hypothetical conversation that will never happen BECUZ U GOTZ 2 BLOG, BLOGMAN. YOU. AINT. GOT. NO. CHOICE.”
And I guess they would have a point.
This one explains itself, right?
Lists of records. 十=10.
This is/was the meta category (a/k/a ドッグチーズ). Now retired.
「J-pop vs. Metal」
This was only added here to make an RSS feed for just the podcast of the JPVM site. It’s redundant now, but some people subscribed that way. And I don’t mind copy/pasting every single playlist line by line, because I get to see it formatted differently, which is it’s own reward. Really. It’s distracting. I mean nice. I enjoy it.
This is for explaining my numerical notation system, which I’ve mentioned a few times. It is either needlessly complicated egghead nonsense of use to no one or so head-shattering obvious that it is unbelievable I think people would need it explained. I believe it can be both. (It needs a better name.)
For posts or reposts of my translations of J-pop lyrics. Which may be subject to deep readings, psychological deconstruction, post-modern analysis, footnotes, and endless updates. 楽しい。
Main categories:
And now my ridiculous signoff mark which allows me to definitively end posts with no real textual conclusion. %
That’s right.
Pretentious, huh? That’s a big word.
What we ask of artists in 2013
- Work harder than everyone else.
- Be smarter than everyone else.
- Work for free.
I feel like you can only expect to get two of these at a time.
Final Followups
I’m going to have to actually write another review to do followups in the future. Oh no.
- This post by Ian F. Martin about language in music is pretty great. There was also this one on the idol/indie/noise crossover, which seems like the kind of thing I would be into but not so much in reality.
- Been thinking about that interview with Maynard James Keenan. Something about it bugs me. I feel like I’m giving him too much credit as a philosopher. I mean, the song “Stinkfist” is like, anti-fisting? Didn’t you think these guys were totally into fisting and wasn’t that part of the appeal? I can’t believe I let that go and simultaneously kinda let believers in nonsense off the hook. If you have to believe in “something” to be an artist, couldn’t that thing be fisting? I mean, if you’re doing it every weekend, maybe that’s kind of just a ridiculous hobby, but the first time you did it, you’d have to believe pretty hard that it was going to feel good. That’s faith.
I’m just saying artists should get some slack because their job makes no sense so you can’t expect them to be logical. Do not ask an artist who to vote for, or if you should get that thing on your back looked at. It’s not in their lane. They don’t even recognize the concept of lanes. Their job is to question the concept that they don’t even recognize. Who is “they” even. Indeed.
- That guy from Trail of Dead draws those crazy covers.
- The top 10 Shonen Knife songs by Michie post was updated when I discovered some songs I left out. I also fixed the youtube links so they do the popup thing.
- You don’t have to pay for Crunchyroll. There’s just no ads and it’s better quality if do.
- Billy Bragg keeps popping up; here’s a good talk about why Punk is/was exciting: “enthusiasm trumps musical dexterity”. That original idea of Punk is still good. If you’ve got an idea for a band you can start doing it “for real” the same goddamn day. Then it can evolve into something else. But there is no excuse, it’s even more true now.
- Bragg also had this to say on Spotify. Which I thought was interesting because it goes against other lefties who are arguing it from that position and Bragg has much more cred in that area and tends to know what he’s talking about. Personally I think the service will fail against something designed and marketed a lot better.
- And finally this Watt from Pedro Show w/ Joe Biaza gets into a discussion of the original, arty Punk vs. the youth oriented stuff that followed.
It’s Over.
Went to see Mono, some pics on Instagram. Should do a post on it. In fact, I should bring back the live category. I can make a category on music theory and another on translation if I want. What’s to stop me? Column width? Probably. I’ll figure something out.
Going to see Slayer/Gojira tonight.
Also, if you’re taking the JLPT in Philly and/or going to the Punk Rock Flea Market any time in the the future probably maybe I’ll see you there. %
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