Archive for category About


We live in interesting times, and as an Old, I must continually remind myself they are not the times I grew up in. So when I say that I have “mixed feelings about America” or something to that effect, I feel I’m pegging myself (pause) as the garden variety degenerate Marxist that I am (I dunno, sometimes), and yet due to the staggering devolution of “Conservative” “thought”, it may actually come off as someone who is still mad about the New Deal, or Alaska and Hawaii becoming states or any kind of social progress over the last century. No. I gotta insist that despite my continued devotion to physical media (and…blogging), I am not That Old. (Or, That Young, what can ya do.) Also,it’s been pointed out to me that I’ve made some statements over the years, maybe not that long ago even, about or involving “white people”…at one point I used the word “assimilation” positively. The context was always regarding foreigners in Japan. A person moves to Japan generally does so for a much different reason than moves to America, and they are very different countries. And I also have mixed feelings about Japan, it’s not perfect, but they get some things right (maintaining infrastructure, public transportation)…I’m not one of these dipshits who thinks they were on the right side of WWII. I think Japan is a good example of how we can move on from history into something better. (But as someone who has researched moving there, their immigration procedure could use some work. As could my resume and general lifestyle, we may someday meet in the middle.) Even the worst events in history are something we can move past and people’s attitudes can change. Until the ice caps melt, then we’re pretty fucked. But until then my record player will probably keep working.

Not sure it’s the greatest attitude tbh, but it’s what I’m going with.

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Decade of Misdirection

So it’s 10 years since the earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan. Altho I was not directly affected, the memory is pretty vivid. Just a few months previous, I had decided that Japan was a place I should set my sights on in a more real way than I ever have. My attempts to learn the language or even visit the country up to that point could be considered “not serious” in hindsight. But several career prospects having fallen through, and my habit of daily day-drinking beginning to inhibit my ability to stay living, I needed something new to focus on, and maybe moving to Japan to teach English would be just unreasonable goal I needed to work towards. And then this thing happens. It didn’t put me off it whatsoever, it just seemed like another thing to work around. It definitely made me more committed in a way; even now it separates my friends into two distinct groups of the affected and unaffected, and it became difficult to feel as close with the latter group. And now the distinction feels even sharper. The comparison to 9/11 is pretty apt for a number of ways, (I’m thinking how one you watched happen on live broadcast tv, and the other on the internet, intellectually, the media evolution is interesting.) but personally, the decade following that event were the ones that made the least sense in my life. I could say I made some bad decisions, but I almost didn’t make any decisions, I just kind of let whatever happen. But I did start this blog? Yeah, I definitely did that. It’s a good one, right? I mean this kind of writing seems equally as pointless and self-indulgent in a hand-written private journal as a facebook post, but as a blog post that anyone could read but probably no one will, it just seems a perfect way to organize my thoughts at the moment. So thanks for indulging me, if you have. It should be noted that I did not move to Japan to teach English, but I did actually enroll in Japanese class, and I passed the JLPT, and I did go to Japan (for a week, in 2016), and I did realize I can teach English in America (a country I have mixed feelings about, but nobody’s perfect). And I will be posting more.

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Hey, howyadoin’.

Gonna post here again. nbd.

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新しい‥General Update for 2016

How ya doin’. In the interest of being a responsible webmaster, thought I’d throw out a what we used to call a “changelog”, a term I just googled to make sure because I guess it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone do that on their site. I still think it’s a good idea. I’m not changing much so this will be short but the recent projects are no longer that recent. So, did a screencap yesterday on my phone and I still think it looks good:


New WordPress updates offer responsive design and whatnot that make it easier to read on yr device, like tumblr does. I don’t care about that of course. I write a blog because I like blogs. You could say that what is now “old-school” blogging culture peaked around the time I started this one and “everyone” (“we”, ha) have moved on. Well, why not preserve an example of that peak? Sidebar…pisstake title…a fuckin’ Flag Counter…custom font, a footer with credits! Not saying I’m so great, but a merely shadow of greater blogs, nuked without a second thought. Look upon it and despair, or don’t, whatever.


  • Links list gets shorter all the time. I will still link to inactive blogs, but I can’t have dead links on a front page. Sad to see some long-time projs go. (If you find links to old podcasts that are dead in any old posts, hmu, I probably have ’em saved.)
  • Speaking of links and front pages, if you link to this blog, ya gotta have the www’s, or it’ll go to tumblr. Neat trick, right.
  • Speaking of tumblr, I switched the urls on the two main tumblrs. I debated killing the 「IMH/H.A.U 」 thing altogether, as a name. It was at one point, sort of a record label. But the only people who really considered it that were, until they stopped doing that some time last year. I could start making CDRs again, or tapes. The only thing stopping me is total lack of demand. But I also used to use the name on mixtapes of whatever I was listening to, so there’s the music I’m listening to. I may review some of it.
  • Speaking of speaking, I went through my own old podcasts, separated the better ones (that had a few good moments) from the ones that no one needs to hear again into another folder, deleted the folder, then shredded the recycle bin at the maximum setting. The wrong folder of course. Hmu, you probably have ’em saved. (You don’t.)
  • Anyway, I appeared on the Abstract Japan podcast, talking about J-pop vs. Metal. I could continue the podcast or not, I’m happy enough with it as a done thing but I’m pretty bummed about the site right now cause a lot of the videos are not available in America. I’m hoping this will get resolved soon. Even tho it’s really just a tumblr it’s meant to be something you can go through like a book, not just a hose of “content” to be monetized or whatever. (CD Japan never even signed me up for the affiliate program btw, they didn’t get it. “Not enough content.” But I still buy from them, when I can…who knows how long that will last, we live in a harsh and disturbing universe where change cannot really be controlled, and I actually have server bills to pay…) But enough about me.


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