Benedict Drew | Non-Musician Complex

non-musician-cover This was a free download exclusive to The Wire magazine’s website in April 2012, but it still works. I probably seem like the kind of guy who reads the Wire, as I’ve spent more than a couple years making music that no one likes. But I can’t afford the thing. Yet, if I’m really dedicated to this weirdness, can I afford not to read it? Maybe I’m a poseur with this stuff. I like loud guitars all right? And drums? Beats, man. Verses, choruses. I enjoy them. I enjoy this stuff, too. But sometimes I think I’m not enjoying it enough. Should I be enjoying it? I’m not really getting it.

I feel like an album like this should come with some kind of artistic statement. If something’s not inherently enjoyable, then it must be trying to say something. And if we know what it’s trying to say, we can judge if it’s succeeding or failing. I don’t know what this guy is going for so I have no idea. People never thought of liner notes as artistic statements, but they often served that didn’t they? I think we fucked up giving up on liner notes.

The tracks are mostly the names of instruments or just objects he makes some sounds with in an unconventional, or perhaps conventionally unconventional way. On the last track he spells “various” wrong. On purpose? This track is pretty harsh. Spun this record a few times in the background and now I’m just sitting here through the whole thing seeing if there’s a punchline I missed. “varios lengths of wire vibrating” Sounds like a machine in need of service. I mean, I kinda dig it. I like how it winds down from the many vibrating wires or whatever it actually is, to just a couple, then one. But is it supposed to be a parody of this kind of music or not? It could just come to a %

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