Anki for August

It continues.

Looks like I did pretty well. Did for a while. This past week I’ve hit the wall. I could blame the hurricane, but it was not that bad in my exact area. Didn’t even lose power. It was mostly distracting; couldn’t stop watching the unexpectedly uninterrupted newsfeeds. Thought it would be worse, but not much worse. (It was plenty bad for a lot of people, jerks.)

Anyhow, right before that I figured out that 2 hours a day is the exact right amount to do everyday. Less will not get through the whole list each day, more will cause burnout and then the next day you wind up doing less and figure it all evens out and of course it doesn’t. Things get out of hand real quick (tho I kept all the decks under 3 days…they can still pile up.)

Pretty confident that my JLPT attempt will be total crash & burn but I gotta do it. It’s the only way things sink in for me.

Let’s just look at the list compared to last time: (I’ve skipped both 6000 decks this round.)

T.& I. Verbs – 0 (-173)

2000 step 02 – 373 (-240)
2000 step 01 – 497 (-298)
2000 step 03 – 550 (-181)
2000 step 09 – 621 (-185)
2000 step 08 – 616 (-200)
2000 step 06 – 600 (-240)
2000 step 10 – 636 (-208)
2000 step 05 – 640 (-220)
2000 step 04 – 663 (-217)
2000 step 07 – 744 (-169)

Should all be 20 lower but I bailed today. Needed a break so I guess I can get 1 day a month. Tomorrow I apply for the test.


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