An ongoing feature

You just can’t stop the meta. Like a leaky faucet that…maybe the water analogy is not too strong.

Well, guess what. Here’s a statement you don’t hear much on the internet: I am not an astute political thinker. I’m just not. But since I’ve been old enough to notice, everyone in power seemed to be doing an awful job. Before 9/11, I voted either Socialist or Libertarian. Literally flipped a coin. In 2000 I had moved and didn’t re-register. I didn’t really care, except for the social issues which are not really political issues. (Maybe half of Dems aren’t liberal enough on these issues anyway.) In ’04 I registered Dem which almost felt like doing something and since then the Dems have almost felt like doing something. Kinda shitty. I feel the same anger as the Wall Street protesters against the party but I’m against the “revolution” language. What we all really want is “counter-reform” but it’s not as catchy to yell en masse, so of course it’s going to get hijacked by something more extreme. Check out those Greek protests. They’re not protesting against Democrats and Republicans over there. But I’ll redirect you to the first sentence of this paragraph. I will not be running for political office, but as soon as cold weather hits, hopefully the Occupiers will be running for local office wherever they’re from. Because a lot of people seem to be into it, but then voting time rolls around and we’ve all got to choose between the guy who was directly anti-protest and the guy who was not directly anti-protest but who is obviously part of the problem but we can’t vote for that first guy obviously and the only other candidate thinks beer can tabs should be our new currency. So please, do that.

I also said in that post I hate “nutso utopians” as much as conservatives. I don’t know about that. I think society needs nutsos in way it doesn’t need conservatives. Altho in the case of Ayn Rand, same thing. (Just kidding, she wasn’t really a conservative. Hijacked! All these terms are completely useless.)

Some more updates:

  • In this post I called Black Metal documentary Until the Light Takes Us “ridiculous”. Thousands smashed and burned their DVDs, plastic shards and fumes filling the streets and skies. Oooops? Keeping my copy. Overall (all 2 discs) it’s great, an essential piece of the larger puzzle of understanding the Norwegian scene. But in places…a silly piece. I like Fenriz in it. I like Ivar of Enslaved in it (only on the 2nd disc…bullshit). I don’t think Harmony Corinne has a place in this discussion. He obviously is looking down on the thing, but I don’t think the directors could see it. (He might not even see it.) I think the connecting to the “serious” modern art is overplayed. (While the underground art movement that is really a part of it, and b-movie atheistics of many the videos and albums covers is ignored.) I think the final edit it’s too sympathetic to Varg. It’s made by non-metalheads and it seems like the Burzum neo-pagan/folk stuff was their entry point this whole thing, and that whole murder/arson thing. The end result has to make them not feeling like idiots naturally, because they aren’t idiots. But Black Metal is…a type of Metal. Fenriz puts down “just listening to Anthrax” as a dumb stereotype, but he’s got a Hanoi Rocks tattoo. He quotes Whitesnake at one point with a completely straight face. He’s a metalhead. Why does no one grill Burzum on Lord of the Rings? Not that they are dumb (now that I think of it, Fenriz mentions Conrad Schnitzler and it’s ignored the same as any b-movie reference) but it pushes too hard for the whole thing not being about Metal when that’s only true for Varg.
  • This article (not by me) clears up some stuff I chose not to directly reference.
  • Annnd, Varg is pretty much into the Germanic Pagan thing which is a religion which would make him not “anti-religious”. I also mentioned him siding with “Muslims” but I think it was just one guy mentioned in the book Lords of Chaos but I bet that guy was not really a Muslim so much as just another racist. I was a bit off on that one. But
  • So there was also that other Norway killing guy. He went on about Japan a bit and seemed to be upset about immigration. I am not upset about immigration and think Japan would do better to ease their restrictions so people like me, who are fans of collectivism (and stuff and things) could move there more easily. I do not think Japan is perfect.
  • I didn’t mention in my 9/11 story that I went up to the roof of the building after both towers were down and there was a woman sunbathing up there. It doesn’t really fit. At the time I just thought she was a moron who wasn’t paying attention that morning and it was really nice that day. But now it seems really disturbing. I went up to the roof a lot, you couldn’t really see the skyline, but you could see the tops of the towers. Never saw another person up there. And she was right in that direction. Girl in a bikini, flat on her back; smoke on the horizon. Would have been a crazy picture. I’m sure I took my camera up there but didn’t take the shot. She didn’t see me but I still choked.

More later.

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