
Hi there. My name’s Jim and I feel compelled to tell you about my record collection for reasons I myself do not fully understand. Perhaps I do know the reason and don’t want to tell you. Perhaps I simply choose not to go down that long and possibly dark road. Perhaps I have been down that road and choose not to rehash the whole thing. Perhaps I live on that road and would prefer to think about something else.

It’s not important. Intro’ing a review blog is totally unnecessary. But it’s gotten complicated. Why’d I have to go and make things so complicated? Cause life…is like that. Holy shit I need a real job. “Didn’t you used to have a blog?”, people could ask me. And I could painfully cringe and say, “Ah…yeah…the blog. I’m just so busy with this goshdarn job. Can you believe they pay me even if I’m not in the top 1% in my industry? It’s wild. I can pay rent AND buy food working a measly 40-50 hours a week.” And then they could say, “I kinda liked you better when you didn’t always talk like a sarcastic hypothetical conversation that will never happen BECUZ U GOTZ 2 BLOG, BLOGMAN. YOU. AINT. GOT. NO. CHOICE.”

And I guess they would have a point.

    Main categories:


    This one explains itself, right?

  • list十

    Lists of records. 十=10.


  • ×

    This is/was the meta category (a/k/a ドッグチーズ). Now retired.

  • 「J-pop vs. Metal」

    This was only added here to make an RSS feed for just the podcast of the JPVM site. It’s redundant now, but some people subscribed that way. And I don’t mind copy/pasting every single playlist line by line, because I get to see it formatted differently, which is it’s own reward. Really. It’s distracting. I mean nice. I enjoy it.


  • 0~11

    This is for explaining my numerical notation system, which I’ve mentioned a few times. It is either needlessly complicated egghead nonsense of use to no one or so head-shattering obvious that it is unbelievable I think people would need it explained. I believe it can be both. (It needs a better name.)

  • my訳

    For posts or reposts of my translations of J-pop lyrics. Which may be subject to deep readings, psychological deconstruction, post-modern analysis, footnotes, and endless updates. 楽しい。


And now my ridiculous signoff mark which allows me to definitively end posts with no real textual conclusion. %

  1. #1 by Jim on 2014.01.01 - 01:48

    You can subscribe to any category by itself, btw. But if you know how to do that, you’ve probably done it long ago and therefore aren’t reading this. Unless you only subscribed to the meta category, which does not make you a clearly insane person, but actually the smartest person on the internet. Just remember all of the positive things I say about anyone are really about you, and all of the negative things are really about that one guy we both hate who does not need to be harmed in any way, but wow that guy. What an asshole, right? We are nothing like that guy.

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