

I feel pretty comfortable not weighing in on the news events of the month at this point unless I’m clarifying something I said already.


I wrote a little about Maxwell’s in this White Stripes review. People did remember the White Stripes played there, of course:

If you did not know about Maxwell’s…well, it’s not that important now, is it? I think it’s kinda bullshit to close it completely this way. I can see the point that the neighborhood has changed and whatnot. But I don’t see how the next phase of that property could be less tragic than it still being “Maxwell’s” but being run a little different. Like, “Have you been to Maxwell’s lately, it’s a little different.” vs. “Have you been to where Maxwell’s was, it’s now a Walgreen’s.” Or whatever.

There’s no really any reason someone couldn’t start up a similar place in a better location. The main bar was pretty swanky and old-fashioned, and the food and beer selection was great; that’d be tough to top but, uh…as a music venue? That back room is tiny. If it’s really about the people and the music…why, there’s new people being made all the time. Many of them start bands. And the swank is perhaps not important to them at all. There can and will be other venues, just not in Hoboken, 12 blocks from the train station. There’s similar venues in Brooklyn of course. It’s a little harder for me to get to Brooklyn. Maybe I can move to Brooklyn. Does anyone want to give me a job in Brooklyn? How about…anywhere? Lately I’ve been applying to old jobs I’d swear I’d never do again. Jobs where I got multiple promotions with raises and they begged me not to leave. No response. So I’ve got some gaps in my resume. I wasn’t in jail or anything, just working some stuff out. I have attended bartending school. I’m serious.

I cannot teach English in Japan without a Bachelor’s if you were curious about that. I’ve been trying to dig through my stuff for the info that will allow me to get my college transcript. I didn’t think I would need it I guess. It’s got to be at the bottom of one of these piles.

Podcasts & links

No one really cares about my ocd linking system but I link to the stuff I have RSS subs to and I’m using it less, esp. for podcasts. I’ve been using MediaMonkey to sync my iPod and it’s not perfect but it’s better than having to have iTunes installed on my main machine. Anyway, instead of the the links on the sidebar probably no one looks at I’m just going to tell you my favorite episodes. This month it’s the WTF with Doug Rushkoff. Yes, he just interviewed Nick Cave, Thom Yorke and Iggy Pop. You can listen to those too but it feels a little awkward to me when he interviews musicians. And his life seems to be going pretty well now, which makes his monologues infuriating. Who am I supposed to bask in misery with? Tumblr? It’s not the same.

Also the FNGTAC has been pretty good lately. Their website lapsed and got taken over by an anime torrent site. Pretty random.

Apologies to Varg Vikernes?

So…this happened and it turned out to be just a big overreaction to his years of hateful rants, past history of violence, and multiple gun ownership. But somewhere in there was a fact I had got wrong before, which was that he thought the Andre Brevik massacre was actually a bad thing. I thought he dug it. I guess I tapped out reading his essay about it where he was praising the ideology of the guy or maybe when he started blaming Jews for everything which had nothing to do with anything. Apparently he went on to condemn the actual act of killing a bunch of innocent people. Altho there’s the implication that he wasn’t cool with it because the people killed were fellow Norwegians and possibly killing a bunch of innocent people from another country would be totally reasonable. Hopefully he doesn’t take the next logical step and move to America because that would get complicated. A Burzum t-shirt would no longer be a ‘fuck you’ to hypocritical Bourgeoisie morality, it would be a statement of solidarity with the current status quo! Which may have already happened!

Oh shit

I forgot I had published this post this morning to get it in on the right time and didn’t notice I was updating it live each time I saved it throughout the day. Now it’s almost midnight. I’m sure I’m forgetting something but it can’t be more important than a proper post ending but


  1. #1 by Jim on 2013.07.27 - 21:08

    Good thing no one reads this.

  2. #2 by Jim on 2013.07.28 - 09:06

    Maybe installing a PA into a otherwise disused storage room is a human achievement like unto the Pyramids. Such an effort may never be seen again.

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