
Oh man.


Sorry to anyone directly affected by various horrible events. I was not (this time) so don’t feel I should comment.


  • Obviously, there is a new category for the J-pop vs. Metal podcast. This gives it an mp3 only feed that I’m going to try to send to iTunes.
  • [meta] —> ドッグチーズI’m not explaining this.

Inbox Zero

Deleted about 5,000 e-mails. Most of it from various mailing lists that never get read or unsubscribed from. It just builds up. I don’t see any reason to archive most email but I haven’t done a full cleanout in awhile. I was feeling pretty good until I got towards the end and there’s Beastie Boys list stuff and then there’s stuff about Adam Yauch dealing with cancer. So here’s this great dude, dying, and being kinda nice about it…and what have I done, read some email?


Last month I forgot to mention I started doing quarterly postcards. Next one goes out June 21st. I can explain later.


I’ve had to take a break blogging on lang-8 to even out my correcting ratio which is not really enforced, but they remind you about it every time you try to post now. Which is fair. If you’re learning Japanese or any language you should try it out.


  • Kyary Pamyu Pamyu played NYC. Was I really going to that? Could’ve been fun. I think if I really apply myself at this blogging thing, like if I spent 16 hours a day online instead of 12, eventually, I could probably score some tickets to shows. What if I got to see a show like that every month? Let’s see…16 x 30 = 480 hours a month, so…a ticket is maybe $48…I could make 10 cents an hour!
  • The Hummingbird Notation project is something I’d like to get into. I’ve always had a problem sight-reading. I don’t know if it can be integrated with my idea for naming the notes with numbers but I keep coming back to that. Need to write something up longer about that.
  • Watched Dave Grohl’s Sound City doc, which is worth it. This guy runs down a problem with part of the underlying ideology of recording being presented. (He has a higher opinion of the music itself.) I was a little disappointed at the level of musician banter. Everybody’s so “about the music” they forget to say anything interesting outside of that context. The only good line in the thing is from Paul McCartney. Grohl says he wishes recording vocals was always easy to which Paul replies, “it is”. Of course it is for him, he’s fucking Paul McCartney. That’s the joke. Jokes, guys? Everybody’s complimenting each other, he compliments himself. It’s f— ah, forget it, musicians don’t get jokes. You guys are like math teachers.
  • This blog has a facebook page, but it’s mostly what I post on twitter, which is mostly what I post on tumblr. Whatever.


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