
Maybe this should really be the final monthly post. I could do it it quarterly. I don’t really feel like commenting on events, I’ve stopped doing this on twitter mostly too. I’m just going to be staring in mute horror at my computer screen every so often.

Do I even need to talk about personal stuff? I don’t. I don’t have to do any of this of course. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Took the JLPT again. I did a lot better than last time I think but that thing is still brutal. Zoned out about half way through, like, “What am I doing taking this test? What am I doing with my liiiife?” One a those. I’m taking all that discussion over to the Lang-8 blog entirely in Japanese. Maybe join the site if you’re into that, it’s decent.

Also I had a table the Punk Rock Flea Market that went great. Rodney Anonymous almost bought my old drum machines. Then someone else did. Mostly sold comic books, Japanese tapes, stuff like that. (Had CDs too but didn’t sell many of those.) I will be doing that as often as possible in the future.


I gotta make a new frontpage with just links an like, I dunno, something. I gotta get back to working on other stuff. Yeah the facebook thing didn’t work, no one cares. If someone cares I’ll try to fix it.

Corrections & Follow-ups

Thinking about Obama. I like Obama. Whenever I see this dude on TV I seriously think, “wow, this guy is President”, but in a good way, not the George Bush way. I think the people that have the most issues with him should be the Progressives and Civil Liberty-types. Which would be where I would put myself. Crazy right-wing Republicans of course will hate almost everyone, but if you’re a moderate Republican, Obama should totally be your dude. Pretty much what he is, like Clinton. If that’s as good as we can get, I guess it’s gotta be good enough. Which maybe it could be if everybody stopped the bullshit. There’s just so much bullshit. Why can’t politics be more like the internet?

I’m just trying to keep doing my own thing, ok. Obama has this thing about him, I feel bad saying anything bad, like I’m going to run into him and it’s gonna be awkward. I feel like I could be at Melvins show and suddenly there’s a voice behind me like, “I hope they do Night Goat”. And it’s Obama. And I’m like, “O-o-o-b-b-ba-ma! W-what—uhm—oh, hey man, you like the Melvins?” And he’ll be like, “Everybody like Melvins.” And everyone turns and looks at me like, of course Obama like the Melvins, you fucking asshole. They’re not even surprised he’s there. It’s totally cool. Except for me. I had to question it. And it’s no random thing, Obama’s totally fucking with me, because of course he reads this blog. Nobody else does, I’m just some jerk who hates Obama, can barely even deal with his sudden omnipresence, which is totally normal. Fine. I can deal. Just me and Barry. Guy with his finger on The Button. Hangin’ out. On the blog, at a show, Punk Rock Flea Market…Taco Bell: He’s gonna be there. I accept it. Alright?

Also, I joined Spotify but I don’t pay for it and I don’t use it much. It’s about as cool as Last.fm when that had most things streaming, but you probably know how that went. It seems crazy to me to think that this new thing is going to be super-permanent and all-inclusive. I don’t get how people can ditch their record collections for it. Don’t you remember when you walked into like a Tower Records or an HMV superstore and the feeling that that was the biggest thing in the world that was completely indestructible? Maybe you don’t…that’s what it was like. Those stores made millions in profits and now they’re gone. Spotify makes no profit yet. (Eventually I think enough people will sign up for paid accounts with reoccurring billing, then gradually use it less as the novelty wears off. This could make them the new Columbia House.) It’s cool, but it doesn’t replace everything. It does replace my old Last.fm playlists, which I’ll redo when I get around to it.

It’s come to my attention that the song Rock ‘n’ Roll Kenchoushozaichi, recorded by Minimoni in 2003, is a cover. This makes my count off, but I’m not fixing it.

I made it sound like all the songs on that Damage Manual album sound the same. They don’t; just relative to the songs on a Pigface album. The compositions are varied but they’re made up of the same components. Get me?

I don’t think that Andes Manta record is totally live. The vocals have gotta be overdubbed.

I don’t know what I’m thinking sometimes.

There’s still an end of the year list coming up because I hate myself. %

  1. #1 by brian on 2012.12.29 - 03:23

    what button

  2. #2 by Jim on 2012.12.29 - 10:11

    The history eraser button, you fool!

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