
I’m gonna continue these posts at the end of each month but keep them shorter.

Haven’t gotten much writing done, been working on backup and cleaning. Keeping up with Anki. Catching up on podcasts. This WTF with Dave Grohl is pretty great. That reminds me, the SubGenius Hour of Slack had a nice run this past year with the Ol’ Rev. Stang pretty much completely dropping character for several episodes, (#1350-1360) just talks about life. It’s back to the usual stuff now, which is still fun if you haven’t heard it a million times. Which also reminds me, I’ve gotten into repeating myself a bit at times. Like, am I doing a bit? There’s not even a joke in them. Rehearsed bits with no jokes, repeated to the same audience. That’s no good.

  • Followups

    In my end of the year post, I said Perfume didn’t put out an album, but Spending All My Time had two great B-sides (available on iTunes), which should count for something. (Remember FAKE IT was a b-side from 2010.) Also I didn’t mention the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu album but I don’t think it was that great as far as having new songs on it. (Her first EP was surprisingly solid for what seemed like a one-off joke act.) On the album, only Drinker was up to the standard, I thought:

    (Hopefully the fan that made this video was just taking a break from some kind of paid work.)

    It’s cheap on Amazon right now. Got most of the good songs on there. I’m not liking the newest stuff. This music is like a butterscotch sundae at it’s best; the aesthetics of it is like the syrup and the good songs are like some quality ice cream. If the songs are not all the way there it’s just like eating a bowl of wet sugar.

    Also I mentioned Koda Kumi’s Lay Down and Crytal Kay’s Delicious na Kinyoubi almost randomly. I realize this is an almost embarrassingly transparent confession of my fantasy of wanting to be dominated sexually by a Japanese woman who does not quite entirely know English, and then go bowling with and African-American/Korean woman who does. This is a relatively benign fantasy, but it’s not only racist, it’s waaay too specific. I’m not going to apologize for subconscious urges, but I can’t believe I was just putting that out there like that.

  • Instagram

    I’ve started getting comfortable with this thing. I like the square format, and I used to be uptight about the filters but you can get a good effect, depending. It feels like I can take pictures that feel more a drawing or painting I would do. I haven’t felt like that about digital photography before. I like how I can make it more about just the photo, Flickr I’m still gonna use but with all the metadata and everything it’s just like blogging, documentation.

  • Facebook

    Using fb to deal with people you could deal with in any other way is nuts. Great for keeping in touch with message board buddies and that’s about it. I have a page now (I renamed the Hakujin page) for whatever. It’s more like “the label” page, but I don’t even want to call it that anymore. I keep trying to bring everything under one…thing. And keep bringing it back to music (and related art.)

    I’m working on a new podcast too that won’t have anything to with any that stuff. I might make a another new general podcast after that. I was trying to put all those ideas together before and that did not work obviously.


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